Friday, May 25, 2012

Fling Chune Friday: Write My Song

Happy, happy Friday to one and all! It's the end of my first full week in my 30s and it's been quite full.  Here's the quick and dirty version of what I've learned already:
  • I was vocally admired by some white guys while walking down the street in a major metro area... that has never happened to me before. Granted, they were probably drunk but that's not the point. LOL  At least they were kinda-sorta respectful about it.
  • I was reminded that good times can be had by simply being surrounded by good company--good food doesn't hurt either. A woman's 30th birthday bash normally has a wild connotation to it but my girls and I kept it simple... and still had a bomb time! I mean, they prayed over me and spoke into my life--what more could I ask for??
  • I realized that I probably can't stay [platonic] friends with my old flame. He probably has no clue but certain things he says make me think that there's still hope for us after all these years... It's not his fault that I never emotionally moved on, but it's my fault for allowing him to lead me on. Sooner rather than later, I'm just gonna let him know how I really feel...
  • I know that I am SO ready to make major changes in my life! I feel like I've been at a stand-still in almost every area of my being and now I'm gonna start making some moves. Time to throw off my "security blanket" and jump head-first into the unknown... God help me!
Soooo, yeah... big tings ah gwaan dis year! :o)  But in the midst of my 30-ness, I have every intention of seeking and walking in God's perfect will.  And this week's chune is a perfect affirmation of that sentiment.  Even though I'm doing me, I want Him to Write My Song and allow me to sing it as only I can.  My new anthem by Marcus Cole is definitely for the grown, sexy and saved--smooth-like-buttah vocals, deliciously mellow melody and an overall vibe of holy lounge chillness.  I'd tag this track sumthin' like "Gerald Levert got saved and did the House of Blues on a Sunday morning"... ;o)

Be blessed,


  1. Yessss for big tings and good chunes. You sound invigorated. Go girl.

  2. Thanks my gyul! :o) I do feel 'hype' and I am definitely trying to look at life from a larger perspective. Stay tuned for more posts and chunes!
