Friday, February 24, 2012

Fling Chune FRIDAY - 11:11

Yes, yes, y'aaaallll--it's Friday once again! *doing the holy happy dance*  It's been an interesting week... the beginning of Lent and the beginning of my 'blogging career'(?).  Before you roll your eyes and say "Here we go with another Linty Lenten post!", just hear me out!  I don't observe it, per se, but lately, I've been turned on to the Biblical significance of 40-day time frames. So while all of that is swirling around in my head, a friend texts me about dedicating this Lent to prayer.  I took it as confirmation from God... More to come on Lent, prayer and 40 days later.

So one of my blog posts got picked up by none other than SALTY Magazine... Excuse me while I go pass out!  This is such an awesome opportunity and I praise God for it! *sigh*  You've probably read it already, but my piece on Molting is in the Desires issue as a guest contribution. Y'all go check it--the whole issue is bangin'!

Now, on to some BIG CHUNE!  #applause  I gotta praise the Lord for some Pandora because I have it to thank for this week's selection.  One of my fave stations is nouveau flamenco guitar--kinda like what smooth jazz is to classic jazz--because, well, it's just freakin' awesome!  The fierce intensity of this musical genre goes above and beyond lyrics; it's as if words float into my head with the unique tone of each guitar string. 

This week's chune is a monster composition with the simple title "11:11".  The guitar hero duo Rodrigo y Gabriela transport you to another realm with a unique tempo that initially catches you off-guard, then drops you into a pool of auditory bliss. Your ears will thank you for this!

be blessed,


  1. #1) Congrats on the Salty article!
    #2) I love Rodrigo y Gabriela. Do
    you have any of their albums?

    Have a good one :)

  2. Thanks, girl--to God be the glory!! And no, I actually don't have their albums but a few of their songs really do it for me. Like, I got all amped when I went to see Puss in Boots [don't judge me! LOL] and I recognized Diablo Rojo as the music in the dance fight scene. Their skill is phenomenal!
